Create/Reset My Password

Please enter your ctclink credentials for security purposes.

Note: CTCLINK credentials are used to validate your identity.

Passwords must:

  • Have at least 15 characters.
  • Have at least 1 upper case character.
  • Have at least 1 lower case character.
  • Have at least 1 special character.(!@#$%^&*)
  • Have at least 1 number.
  • ...NOT include your name, your username, your initials, or your EMPID.
  • NOT reuse 24 previous passwords.

Enter your new MySeattleColleges account password

Your MySeattleColleges credentials allow you to login to Office 365 at (including Outlook email), MyNorth, MySouth, MyCentral, Starfish, on-campus computers and WIFI, remote login, Library resources, etc. Please note, students gain access to Office apps a day or two after they enroll in at least one for credit class.